The starter that I use to bootstrap a new frontend project.

Framework: Next.js


  • Typescript
  • Eslint config
  • Prettier config
  • Alias imports (e.g. @components/...)
  • svgr to import icons as React components


  • Tailwind CSS
  • daisy UI to manage Tailwind theme


  • Accessible UI components, made with Radix & Headless UI.
  • Storybook to test and develop components


  • SEO with next-seo
  • sitemap with next-sitemap
  • dark mode with next-themes
  • multiple layouts support
  • protected routes
  • api client to consume a REST API
  • authentication
  • self-hosted font

Some other used libraries:

  • react-query to handle server side data and caching
  • react-hook-form to manage forms state