Ouch! My finger!

BLEEDING EDGE SOFTWARE - be sure to read the production caveats at https://grafast.org/caveats/ and wear appropriate personal protective equipment to protect your fingers from the sharp edges!


Install dependencies:


Run PostGraphile CLI and pass the connection string and schemas:

yarn postgraphile -c postgres:///my_db -s app_public

(Replace postgres:///my_db with your connection string, and app_public with your database schema name.)


In addition to the quick command line above, you can set your database connection string and schemas as environmental variables or edit the relevant arguments in the makePgSources call in graphile.config.mjs.

# Different syntax may be required depending on your shell
export DATABASE_URL=postgres:///my_db
export DATABASE_SCHEMAS=app_public

Then run PostGraphile CLI with no arguments:

yarn postgraphile

Or run the library mode using an Express server:

node server-express.mjs


The configuration is in graphile.config.mjs, details on the configuration file can be read about here:
