
git-wip is a git extension to make working with continually rebased and force-pushed work-in-progress branches a breeze.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


git-wip is a git extension to make working with continually rebased and force-pushed work-in-progress branches a breeze.


Run make install for a system installation or make user-install for a user installation into ~/.local/.

If you run a user installation you'll probably want to add something similar to the following to your ~/.bashrc to enable bash completion:

### Completion
for comp in ${HOME}/.config/bash_completion.d/*; do
    if [ -f "${comp}" ] ; then
        . "${comp}"


Run an interactive rebase on all commits in your wip (work-in-progress) branch:

$ git wip reapply

View the log of this wip branch:

$ git wip log

Add some fixup- and squash commits:

$ echo "Cool changes!" >> README.md
$ git wip fixup -a
$ echo "Dependency: zlib=1.2.0" >> deps.json
$ git wip squash -a

To perform the actual fixup/squash:

$ git wip autosquash

And to test that everything went fine (and you didn't introduce any non-building commits):

$ git wip for-all "make clean; make"