
Experiments for Lab1A-B, first year, C03 Group

Primary LanguageTeX

Lab C03 Group (2020-21) 🚀

This repo is made to hold all the code and data generated by lab experiments.

GitHub release (latest by date)

There are two branches: master and working-on. The latter is currently being used for new insertion, and active development, while the former is a sort of 'archive' for past lab experiences.

Latex files Current status of latex files.

Build LaTeX document


This repo should be maintained up-to-date with the latest experiments and data.

There is a ./esperienza_#__<title> folder for each one lab. experience. Those are then divided as described in README for each sub-directory.

The setup.py file is meant to be used to create the base project for a lab. experience. To run setup.py use python3 setup.py <OPTIONAL: expNumber_title>


Software needed to use this repo is listed below:

  • root, An open-source data analysis framework used by high energy physics and others, developed by CERN (currently using v6.22/06 to run code);
  • stat custom library (Currently v1.0). Run as g++ -o <exe_name> <program.cpp> stat.cpp.
  • various python libraries are used: numpy, matplotlib, scipy, pandas, with different use-cases.

Future code might need other libraries, that will be eventually be written here.

Stat Library

stat is a C++ library made exclusively to compute the statistical average and standard error. It is located in stat/stat.h.

Library Usage

This library is just a piece of code written to facilitate some computing, eventually it needs to be implemented in the code.

  • stat::read_values() takes a stdin::vector as input, whereas the vector contain all data needed in calculation.

  • stat::avg() return average of elements in the vector.

  • stat::std_err() return standard error computed from RMS (Root Minimum Square).

  • stat::clear() is needed to clean up the data vector, in order to compute other data.


2021-02-01 changelog init;

2021-02-01 12:50 modified setup.py to include \graphicspath{{../fig/}} as main graphics path

2021-02-11 modified setup.py to use template.tex file for latex template creation instead of inline comments. Uploaded latex template.tex file, serve as master file. Merged working-on branch on master. Removed old code from esperienza_3_Moto_Proiettile; added Changelog to README file. Uploaded .tex and .pdf file for e4 relazione. Uploaded .ipynb file for testing purposes, removed in gitignore.

2021-02-13 made all code easier to read; all standard strings made accessible in header as constant, so they cannot be modified. Added dict to setup.py to hold all log messaging strings.

2021-02-15 made possible for new directories to auto-number themselves. Spaces in title_underscore now become _ automatically.

2021-02-16 Merged branch working-on in branch master. Added ipynb ignore file to .gitignore; Made all Important variable constants, and all those constant are initialized in the file header. Added ipynb ignore file to .gitignore; Updated the input method, now supporting error handling notification if something goes wrong. Removed test.ipynb testing environment. Updated Changelog with every commit.

2021-02-25 Merged branches, tag v4.3 latest release, removed numpy unnecessary import, added exit method for program.

2021-03-06 Init v5.0/0 -> pre-relase: added tex file and README.

2021-03-16 Final commit on e5 -> v5.2/0: published paper

2021-03-31 Final commit on e6 -> v6.1.1: published paper