The typical participant is a PhD student in Statistics or related fields (Mathematical Statistics, Engineering Science, Quantitative Finance, Computer Science, ...). The participants are expected to have taken a basic course in Bayesian methods, for example Bayesian Learning at Stockholm University, and to have some experience with programming.
Examination and Grades: The course is graded Pass or Fail. Examination is through individual reports on distributed problems for each topic. Many of the problems will require computer implementations of Bayesian learning algorithms.
Course organization The course is organized in four topics, each containing four lecture hours. Course participants will spend most of their study time by solving the problem sets for each topic on their own computers without supervision.
All lectures are given online using Zoom.
Mattias Villani
Professor of Statistics, Stockholm University
Reading: Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning - Chapters 1, 2.1-2.5, 3.1-3.4, 3.7, 4.1-4.3.
Code: GPML for Matlab | GPy for Python | Gausspr in R | Gaussianprocesses.jl in Julia | GPyTorch - GPs in PyTorch
Other material: Visualize GP kernels
Lecture 1 - May 3, hours 10-12
Lecture 2 - May 3, hours 13-15
Lab Topic 1
Problems | Lidar data
Reading: Bayesian Data Analysis - Chapter 23 | The Neal (2000) article on MCMC for Dirichlet Process Mixtures
Widgets: Dirichlet distribution | Bayes for multinomial data | mixture of normals | mixture of Poissons
Lecture 3 - May 17, hours 10-12
Lecture 4 - May 17, hours 13-15
slides | derivation marginal Gibbs
Lab Topic 2
Problems | Galaxy data
Reading: Blei et al JASA | Tran's VI Notes
Other material: Kullback-Leibler widget | My recent talk with some VI | Natural gradient notes | autograd in python | ForwardDiff in Julia
Lecture 5 - May 31, hours 10-12
Lecture 6 - May 31, hours 13-15
Lab Topic 3
Problems | Time series data
Reading (ordered by priority): TBD
Lecture 7 - June 14, hours 10-12
Lecture 8 - June 14, hours 13-15
Lab Topic 4