magic functions for flake8 and pycodestyle module in Jupyter Lab and Notebook
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 0
Error: Too many values to unpack
#34 opened by linhhlp - 0
Line magic function `%%pycodestyle` not found
#33 opened by PL450 - 4
Bug with flake8
#31 opened by NastasiaSaby - 0
Can't ignore errors with pycodestyle
#30 opened by NastasiaSaby - 1
problems with if statements
#29 opened by skwde - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Add readme and more relevant classifiers to pypi
#25 opened by Melevir - 3
- 1
- 0
- 0
Add path to flake8 config
#22 opened by Melevir - 0
Add strict mode
#24 opened by Melevir - 4
max_line_length option ignored
#21 opened by stoffprof - 3
%pycodestyle_on and %flake8_on produce errors
#18 opened by cmichal2 - 2
.flake8 config file not used
#16 opened by JeromeCorre - 4
Passing --exclude warnings into flake8
#12 opened by psychemedia - 1
Running flake8 against code in markdown cells
#14 opened by psychemedia - 2
- 4
Can we get this to run automatically?
#10 opened by reuven - 3
User configured style guide
#8 opened by bsmoliak - 0
- 2
Error line numbers are off by one
#1 opened by xmacex