
Sources for website at https://www.pypy.org

Primary LanguageHTML

pypy.org webpages

This is the repository of the pypy.org webpages.

The webpages are generated from the corresponding 
reStructuredText files in the `pages` directory 
using the static site generator *nikola* (https://getnikola.com/).

To change content of the pages, please change the 
files in the `files` and `pages` directories only. 

!! The content of `public` (with all helper directories, like js, css, ...) 
   is not written by hand, 
   **please do not modify** - it will be overwritten !!

After you make changes, do `make build` to regenerate the pages in ``public/``
but **do not commit these**, they will be rebuilt and commited via a CI deploy
step. You can also do ``make auto`` to start a server that will serve the
pages, and rebuild them when any changes are mede ot the sources.

The site is pulled into pypy.org by a cron job on a psf-hosted instance,
see https://github.com/python/psf-salt/tree/master/salt/pypy-web 
and then it is converted to static html (currently manually).

The people with access to the instance are the ones in
with pypy-web access.