
Project Proposal Example

Project Choice (Tell us which project you're doing!)

  • Personal Finance Trivia

Project Description

My app is called "Runway". It is an app for those aspiring to get a better hold on their own personal finances in a way that is personalized, engaging, and educational. In a nutshell, it allows users to input information pertaining to their own financial situation and it computes a "personal financial runway" for them which calculates when they might be able to retire.

Wire Frames

Initial Landing View


Advanced configurations view


User Stories

MVP Goals

  • App allows user to input age, monthly income, monthly spending, and current investments and the app returns a graph for their own runway.

  • In an expandable "advanced configurations" section, users are allowed to adjust many of the default variables.

  • Advanced configs include Expected return on investment accounts, Expected Inflation rate, Expected age to begin drawing from social security, and Life Expectency.

  • In order to unlock the ability to change each of these each of these advanced configs, users must read information about what that particular config does, and then answer a multiple choice question about it.

  • Once that is done, the feature is unlocked and the user is awarded some "points" as well.

  • Points will be displayed in the top right of the main screen.

  • The "unlocking" ability will be made apparent when the user clicks a tooltip next to each advanced config.

  • Use media queries to make the app responsive.

  • Each field has trivia that is going to have mulitple chboice questions which, when answered correctly, will award user points, give some sort of badge, and have a "win" state of some kind.

  • If user gets certain amount wrong, gets a "try again" message or something like that. Need a "lose" state.

  • Maybe make a 'misc trivia' part that doesn't have anything to do with the adv configurations.

Stretch Goals

  • Add in additional advanced configs and the corresponding educational material.
  • Make input fields turn into sliders once the user has inputted for the first time.
  • Make so that when user moves sliders, the chart dynamically changes.
  • Make it more polished looking using various CSS styling.
  • Cause screen to scroll down when user clicks on the expandable.