Welcome, Vercelian!

If you're just getting started, go ahead and click Use This Template -> Create New Repository at the top of this page (or use this shortcut).

Once you've done that, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Import this repo into a new Vercel Project.
  2. To kick off your profile with some starter content, insert your Github Username at the top of app/page.tsx and Commit the change.
  3. Build your own v0 Component. Paste your Component so that it overwrites app/components/MyV0Component.tsx.
  4. The sky's the limit!! Make this your own, or start a fresh project from scratch. Think about where you'd like to take your personal website next (blog posts? a tech learning journal? a photo gallery?), then iterate to greatness with the help of docs, YouTube, AI, and your fellow learners.