
PCF Pipelines

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PCF Pipelines

This is a collection of pipelines for installing and upgrading Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

Pipelines and Tasks

The pipelines and tasks in this repo follow a simple pattern which must be adhered to:

├── some-pipeline
|   ├── params.yml
|   └── pipeline.yml
└── tasks
    ├── a-task
    │   ├── task.sh
    │   └── task.yml
    └── another-task
        ├── task.sh
        └── task.yml

Each pipeline has a pipeline.yml, which contains the YAML for a single Concourse pipeline. Pipelines typically require parameters, either for resource names or for credentials, which are supplied externally via {{placeholders}}.

A pipeline may have a params.yml file which is a template for the parameters that the pipeline requires. This template should have placeholder values, typically CHANGEME, or defaults where appropriate. This file should be filled out and stored elsewhere, such as in LastPass, and then supplied to fly via the -l flag. See the fly documentation for more.


Pipelines should define jobs that encapsulate conceptual chunks of work, which is then split up into tasks within the job. Jobs should use aggregate where possible to speed up actions like getting resources that the job requires.

Pipelines should not declare task YAML inline; they should all exist within a directory under tasks/.


Each task has a task.yml and a task.sh file. The task YAML has an internal reference to its task.sh.

Tasks declare what their inputs and outputs are. These inputs and outputs should be declared in a generic way so they can be used by multiple pipelines.

Tasks should not use wget or curl to retrieve resources; doing so means the resource cannot be cached, cannot be pinned to a particular version, and cannot be supplied by alternative means for airgapped environments.

Offline configurations

This segment details several possible offline configurations for resources leveraged in our reference pipelines

Github Release Resource (using github enterprise)

switch to using an internal github enterprise


#sample yaml snippet
- name: my-release-binary 
  type: github-release
    user: pivotal-cf
    repository: om
    access_token: {{github_enterprise_token}}
    github_api_url: {{github_enterprise_url}}

Github Release Resource or Pivnet resource (using s3)

switch to using an internal/external s3 compatible store


  • access to an s3 compatible store


  • setup a versioned s3 bucket (each resource should have its own bucket)
  • download asset from github release page or pivotal network
  • upload asset into bucket
    • make sure the filename matches what was in the github release or change the rest of the pipeline to match
  • replace github-release resource with s3 resource in pipeline yaml (as shown below)
#sample yaml snippet
- name: my-release-binary
  type: s3
    bucket: releases
    regexp: {{s3_filepath}}
    access_key_id: {{s3_access_key}}
    secret_access_key: {{s3_secret}}
    region_name: {{s3_region}}
    endpoint: {{s3_endpoint}}

Git resource (using a local git)

  • clone or fork repository to a local git server
  • modify all git resources in yaml with your local git uri(s)
#sample yaml snippet
- name: pcf-pipelines
  type: git
    uri: git@mylocalgit.company.com:c0-ops/pcf-pipelines
    branch: master

Docker Images (using private registry)

switch to using a non-docker hub enabled setup for offline



  • docker pull from docker hub or desired rootfs source
  • docker push to local docker registry
  • add full local url to docker container repo in pipeline yaml
#sample yaml snippet

# this example is for a pipeline docker resource
- name: pivnet
  type: docker-image
    repository: myregistrydomain.com:5000/pivotalcf/pivnet-resource
    tag: latest-final

# or

# this example is for a task.yml
  type: docker-image
    repository: my.local.registry:8080/my/image
    insecure_registries: ["my.local.registry:8080"]
    username: myuser
    password: mypass
    email: x@x.com

Docker Images (using git)

switch to using a non docker hub enabled setup without a private docker repository this is for running tasks in the absence of dockerhub access (this is not for use w/ resources only task base images)


  • Git


# sample yaml snippet
- name: my-project
  type: git
  source: {uri: https://github.com/my-user/my-project}

- name: use-task-image
  - get: my-project
  - task: use-task-image
    image: my-project/my-rootfs.tgz 
    file: my-project/ci/tasks/my-task.yml