
Common interface for tracing/instrumentation libraries in OCaml

Primary LanguageOCaml


Build and Test

This small library provides basic types that can be used to instrument a library or application, either by hand or via a ppx.


  • spans
  • messages
  • counters
  • other metrics?


To instrument your code, you can simply add trace to your dune/opam files, and then write code like such:

let f x =
  Trace.with_span ~__FILE__ ~__LINE__ "inside-f" @@ fun _sp ->
  (* … code for f *)

let g x =
  Trace.with_span ~__FILE__ ~__LINE__ "inside-g" @@ fun _sp ->
  let y = f x in
  (* … code for f *)

let () =
  Some_trace_backend.setup () @@ fun () ->
  let result = g 42 in
  print_result result

The file test/t1.ml follows this pattern, using trace-tef as a simple backend that emits one JSON object per span/message:

let run () =
  Trace.set_process_name "main";
  Trace.set_thread_name "t1";

  let n = ref 0 in

  for _i = 1 to 50 do
    Trace.with_span ~__FILE__ ~__LINE__ "outer.loop" @@ fun _sp ->
    for _j = 2 to 5 do
      incr n;
      Trace.with_span ~__FILE__ ~__LINE__ "inner.loop" @@ fun _sp ->
      Trace.messagef (fun k -> k "hello %d %d" _i _j);
      Trace.message "world";
      Trace.counter_int "n" !n

let () =
  Trace_tef.with_setup ~out:(`File "trace.json") () @@ fun () ->
  run ()

After running this, the file "trace.json" will contain something like:

[{"pid":2,"name":"process_name","ph":"M","args": {"name":"main"}},
{"pid":2,"tid": 3,"name":"thread_name","ph":"M","args": {"name":"t1"}},
{"pid":2,"cat":"","tid": 3,"ts": 2.00,"name":"hello 1 2","ph":"I"},
{"pid":2,"cat":"","tid": 3,"ts": 3.00,"name":"world","ph":"I"},
{"pid":2,"tid":3,"ts":4.00,"name":"c","ph":"C","args": {"n":1}},

Opening it in https://ui.perfetto.dev we get something like this:

screenshot of perfetto UI


Concrete tracing or observability formats such as:

  • Fuchsia (see tracing)
  • Catapult
    • light bindings here with trace-tef
    • richer bindings with ocaml-catapult, with multi-process backends, etc.
  • Tracy (see ocaml-tracy, more specifically tracy-client.trace)
  • Opentelemetry (see ocaml-opentelemetry, in opentelemetry.trace)
  • landmarks?
  • Logs (only for messages, obviously)