
Exploring the UK's tech communities using Meetup.com.

Primary LanguagePython

An exploratory analysis of technology communities across the UK using data from Meetup.com.

Data is crawled from the Meetup API. See below for a description of the data collection process.

The results of the analysis can be found in the report in the presentation directory. A typeset version can be viewed here. Data analysis was carried out in the IPython Notebook analysis/meetup_analysis.ipynb.

Data Collection

Data collection scripts are located in crawl.


The configuration file config.json should be structured as follows:

  "meetup_api_key": "<32-character meetup API key>",
  "mongo_port": <mongodb-port>,
  "mongo_host": "<mongodb-hostname>"

The data collection pipeline is as follows:

  1. extract_geonames_top_cities.py: Extracts top cities (by population) from the Geonames gazetteer. The gazetteer is held in dat/geonames_cities/. cities1000.txt is obtained from the Geonames export. The script outputs geonames_top_cities.json to dat/.
  2. You may wish to edit dat/geonames_top_cities.json to remove some redundant cities in the Geonames data, depending on the chosen countries.
  3. crawl_groups.py: Carries out a proximity crawl using the cities obtained from the gazetteer. Using the processed gazeteer (from previous step), retrieves meetup groups within proximity to each POI (i.e., cities). Outputs to dat/groups_crawl/. This is an initial, very broad, crawl of groups, that is to be filtered in subsequent steps.
  4. collect_city_groups.py: Collects the groups from the proximity crawl, removing duplicates as necessary. Outputs to dat/city_meetup_groups.
  5. crawl_group_activity.py: Using the sanitised and de-duplicated groups obtained from the previous steps, this script crawls a range of additional group attributes and stores the results (including the meetup groups) in a MongoDB datastore. The additional attributes include: group events, group membership, attendance at events, and any users encountered along the way. This crawl can take a while (around 5 hours for three years of UK tech groups). If the script is prematurely halted, it will re-start from where it left off.

The resulting MongoDB database, meetupdotcom, consists of the following collections:

  • users: Each document is a Meetup member. Crawled from the members endpoint.
  • groups: Each document is a Meetup group. Crawled from the groups endpoint, supplemented with list of the group's events crawled from the events endpoint.
  • event_attendance: Each document describes member attendance at a particular meetup event. The document specifies an event id event_id and list of member ids (attendee_ids).

Alternative API Client

As noted on the Meetup developer page, the Python API is now quite out of date. A very simple alternative client, with rate limiting, is implemented in crawl_tools.py (see class AltMeetup).

Dependencies and Attribution

  • Meetup Python API Client. At: https://github.com/meetup/python-api-client.