
Multiplayer scavenger app using Firebase and Clarifai APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dinosaur Detector

This web app was developed by three UBC students Matthew, Denis and Patience during the fall session of Dubhacks 2015. It was nominated one of the top 5 hacks overall! You can read more about the project here.

This is our keeping-up-with-the-times take on the traditional scavenger hunt. The objective is to find the objects suggested by the game, before your competitors beat you to it! Your score will be updated in real time on the board.


We built this app with Firebase to power our backend and do a live update of the players' scores. For object detection we used Clarifai's image recognition/machine learning API. The imgur API is used to upload images and send them to Clarifai. Webcam.js was used to control a player's camera.

Getting Started

  • Acquire API keys for Clarifai and Imgur. Create a Firebase account.
  • Install firebase-tools: npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Duplicate configuration-template.js in /js and rename it configuration.js. Fill in the API keys and base URL for your firebase repo as necessary.
  • In the terminal, run firebase deploy to deploy the app to Firebase