
formatting and annotation of publicly available summary statistics

Primary LanguageShell


how to

  1. set-up /data directory as name_year_PMID/, with sub-directories raw/, processed/, docs/ and /code directory as name_year_PMID/ with data specific sub directories

    • raw/ - contains the data you download
    • processed/ - contains the formatted data
    • docs/ - contains the data README etc.
    • 001_download/ - contains code for downloading data
    • 002_standardise/ - contains code for standardising data
    • 003_instruments/ - contains code for identifying instruments for MR
    # data 
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/${DATA}/
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/${DATA}/raw/
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/${DATA}/processed/
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/${DATA}/docs/
    # code
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/work/000_GWAS_data_formatting/${DATA}/
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/work/000_GWAS_data_formatting/${DATA}/001_download/
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/work/000_GWAS_data_formatting/${DATA}/002_standardise/
    mkdir /data/GWAS_data/work/000_GWAS_data_formatting/${DATA}/003_instruments/
  2. download data from source to raw/ - ideally download using a script (e.g., wget)

  3. create a column_mapping_file using this template

    • save the column_mapping_file in 00*_standardise/
    • column_mapping_file has two columns:
      • column 1 = your column names - you change this column to the names of your columns
      • column 2 = standardised column names - dont change this column, this is what your formatted data will have as column names
    • you dont need to have all of the columns present
  4. run standardise.sh

    • standardise.sh has 4 options:
      • -i = this is the name of your GWAS data
      • -o = this is where you want to save the formatted data (i.e., processed/)
      • -columns = the location of the column_mapping_file from step 3
      • -phenotype = (optional) a string for the phenotype column; if blank, file name is used
    ${SCRIPT}standardise.sh -i ${DATA_IN} \
    -o ${DATA_OUT} \
    -columns ${DATA_IN}column_mapping_file
    -phenotype trait
  5. if you need to do additional or intermediate steps look at scripts/:

    • convert_gwasvcf_to_ebi.sh - converts the gwasvcf file format (used by OpenGWAS) to plain text (or what they call EBI format)
    • phenotype_col.sh - takes the file name and adds a column (at the end) of the GWAS file with the filename in each row - useful when using multiple GWAS
    • make_file_list.sh - makes a list of filenames and splits them into specified chunks across multiple files called filelist* - useful when using lots of GWAS
    • convert_chr-pos_to_rsid.sh - adds an rsid column to GWAS based on a reference
    • convert_rsid_to_chr-pos.sh - adds a chr and pos column to GWAS based on a reference
    • header.sh - replaces current header with specified header using delimiter
    • identify_delimiter.sh - identifies the most common delimiter used in the first row (usually the header)
    • download_GWAS-catalog.sh - wget script to help download GWAS + README from EBI GWAS catalog
