
Using GPT-4 Vision and GPT-4 Turbo, take a PDF as input and get a markdown file as output.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PDF to Markdown Utility

This utility converts PDF documents to Markdown format, leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision model for image-based content recognition and conversion. It's designed to handle the conversion process in multiple steps for enhanced accuracy and scalability.

Note: the included convert-me-to-markdown.pdf is a sample PDF made by saving the following article as a PDF: How to Successfully Scale Generative AI in Pharma

The final stitched output can be found in converted-pdf.md.

Notebooks Overview

There are two Jupyter notebooks in this repository:

  • openai.ipynb: This goes through the PDF to JPEGs, JPEGs to Markdown, and Markdown cleanup steps using OpenAI GPT-4 Vision Preview and GPT-4 Turbo models. (NOTE: This requires an OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to be set with your API key.)
  • claude.ipynb: This goes through the PDF to JPEGs, JPEGs to Markdown, and Markdown cleanup steps using the Claude 3's Opus model. (NOTE: This requires an ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable to be set with your API key.)

My honest opinion is that the OpenAI GPT-4 Vision Preview and GPT-4 Turbo models are more accurate and provide better results than the Claude 3's Opus model. Claude 3 Opus missed a lot of text and struggled a lot with the cleanup task in my example pdf. Your documents may vary, so I recommend trying both models to see which one works best for you.

Manual Workflow Overview (Python Scripts)

  1. PDF to Image Conversion (image_splitter.py): Converts each page of the input PDF into separate JPEG images, storing them in a folder named page_jpegs. Each image is named sequentially (Page_1.jpeg, Page_2.jpeg, etc.).

  2. Image to Markdown Conversion (image_to_markdown.py): Processes the images from page_jpegs through OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision model, generating corresponding Markdown text. The Markdown for each page is saved in the page_markdowns folder (Page_1.md, Page_2.md, etc.).

  3. Cleanup Markdown (cleanup_markdown.py): Cleans up the Markdown files in page_markdowns by removing irrelevant content, enhancing readability. Cleaned Markdown files are saved in a new folder called cleaned_page_markdowns.

  4. Stitch Markdown Pages (stitch_markdown_pages.py): Combines all Markdown files from cleaned_page_markdowns into a single Markdown document (converted-pdf.md), with page numbers inserted before each page's content.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.12 or newer
  • OpenAI API Key: You need an API key from OpenAI to use the GPT-4 Vision model. You can obtain it from your OpenAI account.


First, ensure you have the required libraries installed:

pip install pdf2image requests openai


The conversion process is divided into two scripts for modularity and ease of use:


This script converts the input PDF (convert-me-to-markdown.pdf) into a series of JPEG images, storing them in a folder named page_jpegs. Each image corresponds to a page in the PDF and is named sequentially (Page_1.jpeg, Page_2.jpeg, etc.).

Example Command:

python image_splitter.py


This script processes the images stored in page_jpegs, converting each to Markdown format using OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision model. The Markdown text for each page is saved in a new folder named page_markdowns, with each file corresponding to a page in the PDF (Page_1.md, Page_2.md, etc.).

Example Command:

Before running image_to_markdown.py, ensure your OpenAI API Key is set as an environment variable:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='your_api_key_here'
python image_to_markdown.py


Cleans up the generated Markdown files.

Example Command:

python cleanup_markdown.py


Combines all Markdown files from cleaned_page_markdowns into a single Markdown document (converted-pdf.md), with page numbers inserted before each page's content.

Example Command:

python stitch_markdown_pages.py


The utility produces a single, cleaned Markdown document (converted-pdf.md) derived from the original PDF, ready for use or further processing.


The utility leverages OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision and GPT-4 Turbo models for image-to-text conversion and text cleanup, ensuring high accuracy in content recognition, Markdown formatting, and content cleanup. The conversion quality may vary based on the complexity of the PDF's layout and the clarity of its images.

This README provides a comprehensive guide on using your PDF to Markdown utility, including the new steps for cleaning up the Markdown content and stitching the pages together into a single document.