CommentX Monetization Service

This project is openDemocracy's Grant for Web-funded project to bring novel incentives to commenting via web monetization of the Coral Talk open-source comments platform.

The live, production version is working at

Staging server

You can interact with the prototype by visiting:

Where 'hello-github' is a URL slug for an imaginary article on openDemocracy. Changing the slug will generate a new article.

The article's author can highlight comments in Coral if their Coral user ID is included in the article page template as e.g. <meta name="author_comment_id" content="89a0e9a2-32b1-468a-a101-7005b4cf62e3" />. In production this is done through the CMS but can be mocked in this imaginary article by adding the Coral user id as a URL parameter to the above URL ?caid=89a0e9a2-32b1-468a-a101-7005b4cf62e3. Coral user IDs can be found in the Coral admin dashboard.

Communication from Coral Talk instance

Moderation phase

Every comment posted to Coral is sent to ./server-service.js via a "Moderation phase" in the Coral Talk instance. This hits the /handle-comment endpoint.

The service reads these comments and looks for identifiers sent in the comment body that it is being passed an author's web monetization wallet address, or a comment to highlight on the page. Comments that are used to pass messages are moderated as status: 'REJECTED' meaning they aren't shown as comments.

Client-side JavaScript

The project provides two client side scripts: one for the article page which produces an interactive widget that guides commenters and page authors through their user journeys; the second is for the Coral Talk comments iframe and it listens for postMessages from the client script, and sends them up to the server via the moderation phase detailed above.

These files live in [./assets](./assets) and are served by Express using Nunjucks templating.

Running locally

Following the steps below will ensure you get your local version up and running as quickly as possible.

Supporting software: download and update / install

Firstly, and if you haven't already, install Docker Desktop for your OS. If you have Docker, make sure it's up-to-date. Install NodeJS if you haven't already.

Coral Talk Step 1: clone and install dependencies

Secondly, clone openDemocracy's forked Coral Talk:

$ git clone

We need a Coral Talk instance for the service to interact with. openDemocracy's forked version requests a JS file from this service ./assets/comment-x-iframe.js, allowing us to run custom JS within the Coral Talk iframe. That's the only difference.

On the main branch of your cloned talk, run $ npm install

Coral Talk Step 2: download docker database images

We are following the instructions for running Coral Talk from source on Coral's setup page:

Setup Mongo and Redis using Docker:

$ docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --restart always --name mongo mongo:4.2
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --restart always --name redis redis:3.2

Incentives Service: clone, install dependencies and run

Clone this project and npm install. Copy .env.default to .env.

Run npm run watch:fake-site to start the fake site.

You should now be able to access the development oD website at http://localhost:2000/articles/hello-world.

In a new terminal window, run npm run watch:service

Coral Talk Step 3: run and install a local Coral Talk instance

Our forked Coral Talk requests a JS file from this service. We need it to load our local version for local development. Open src/core/server/app/views/templates/base.html and comment out the staging URL and add the local URL:

<script src="https://localhost:4000/assets/iframe.js"></script>

Coral's setup docs say you can just start the service now, but we've only had success running the build command first:

$ npm run build:development

Once this has completed you can run

$ npm run start:development

You should now be able to access the Coral Talk install page at http://localhost:3000/install.

Connecting them up

Follow the Coral Talk installation steps. The only value that matters is the Site Permitted Domains. This needs to be set to the URL of our fake site above: http://localhost:2000

Once install is complete, you should be able to see the Coral comments panel at the bottom of an article page: http://localhost:2000/articles/hello-world

(If this hasn't worked, check the ports are 4000 for the Incentives Service and 3000 for Coral Talk. Make sure you have copied .env.default to .env in the code for this project.)

Within your Coral Talk instance you need to create an External Moderation phase, an endpoint where all the comments get sent to. Our handler in ./server.js is listening on /handle-comment so the URL should be http://localhost:4000/handle-comment.

Incentives configuration

This project was designed to explore how sharing micropayments in different proportions creates different incentives for users. The code that sets these proportions for article authors, comment authors and the publisher (i.e. the incentive levers) can be found in ./comment-x-client.js inside function startRevShare().

Uphold API

We are using the Client Credentials Flow

Run the below manually to generate an access token, and then add this access token to .env as UPHOLD_ACCESS_TOKEN.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u 'clientID:clientSecret' -d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Updating, building and deploying Coral Talk


Clone our forked version of Coral Talk.

Use branch main for production and od-staging-main for staging.

Ensure the URL inside the script tag in src/core/server/app/views/templates/base.html is for production or for staging.

Commit your changes.

Add the Coral Talk parent repository as a git remote:

$ git remote add coral-origin

Fetch all branches: $ git fetch

Merge in the latest changes from their production branch:

$ git merge coral-origin/main

Push these changes up to our repo:

$ git push origin [main / od-staging-main]


Make sure Docker is running on your computer.

Ensure you are logged into the Docker CLI as a user who can access the Docker opendemocracy account and its coral-talk repository.

$ docker login

Build the image with the following command, using production or staging as the tag:

$ docker build -t opendemocracy/coral-talk:[tag] .

This can take some time...

Push the image up to Docker Hub:

$ docker push opendemocracy/coral-talk:[tag]


Go to CapRover server admin area. Go to the Coral Talk app (production or staging) and click through to Deployments. Scroll down to Method 6: Deploy via ImageName.

Paste the image name in e.g. opendemocracy/coral-talk:production and click Deploy Now.

After a moment or two the updated Coral Talk code will be deployed.