
What is Machine Learning?

From the beginning when we learn math we are learning functions. For a straight line, it can be f(x) = x +3. When the input x = 3, it is quite easy to get f(3) = 6.

If the input is an audio, you need to simulate something similar to a function. The function would output the content of the input audio.

f(image) = "Hello World"

If the input is a picture, you want to simulate a complex function so that its output is what this picture is.

f(image) = "Cat"

If the input is a Go board, you want to simulate a complex function and let it tell you where to go next.

f(image) = "1-2"

Yes, you can think that machine learning is looking for this complicated "function" because it is complex, it is not certain, it is nonlinear, so you need to design some algorithms to let the machine learn what exactly is this complicated "function". That's what machine learning is. People will make some decisions, some judgments, you hope, using some existing data, training the machine, so that the machine can also learn how to make decisions, or even do better.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a subclass of machine learning. In other words, it is actually a way to implement machine learning. With the rapid development of computer hardware and software, people realize that the neural network can be used to simulate the human brain, and the word depth means nerve. The network has many layers. Looking back, how do you think about your brain? How does your biology teacher tell you how the signal is transmitted in the brain.

At present, deep learning mainly has:

Convolutional Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Network

Generative Adversarial Networks

Deep Reinforcement Learning

How to Start?

What to learn? The first subject to learn or to start should be CNN.

How? Books Deep Learning Course CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

Machine Learning and having it deep and structured (2017,Spring)

Deep Learning Andrew Ng

The stuff you should cover

Understand what is Image Classification

Make prediction with some simple linear models(SVM,KNN)

Learn about Optimization, LossFunction and Gradient descent

Learn about Backpropagation

Learn about Neural Network

Learn about Normalization, Pooling, Convolution

Get hands on Tensorflow,Keras,Pytorch,Caffe

read other project's code

Learn about cifar10 and ImageNet

Start your first CNN model: LeNet-5 - Yann LeCun

Then AlexNet

Then ZF Net

Also Network in Network

And start to learn some CNN training trick:

  Data Augmentation
  Xavier/He Weight initial
  Batch Normalization

Learn the famous Vgg Network

Also the google family GoogleNet Going Deeper with Convolutions

Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift

Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision

Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning

Learn Fine-tune, start to improve code

Don't forget the Residual Network

Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks