
A self contained OBS -> FTL -> WebRTC live streaming server. Comprised of 3 parts once configured anyone can achieve sub-second OBS to the browser livestreaming

MIT LicenseMIT


Project Lightspeed

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A self contained OBS -> FTL -> WebRTC live streaming server. Comprised of 3 parts once configured anyone can achieve sub-second OBS to the browser livestreaming

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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Streaming From OBS
  5. Roadmap
  6. Bugs
  7. Contributing
  8. License
  9. Contact
  10. Acknowledgements

About The Project

This is Project Lightspeed. Project Lightspeed is a fully self contained live streaming server. With this you will be able to deploy your own sub-second latency live streaming platform. This repository contains the instructions for installing and deploying the entire application.

Built With

  • Rust
  • Golang
  • React


Getting Started

In order to get a copy running you will need to install all 3 repositories. There are installation instructions in each repo however I will include them here for the sake of simplicity.


In order to run this Golang, Rust, and npm are required. Additionally the Rust repo requires a C compiler. If you get a linker cc not found error then you need to install a C compiler.


Lightspeed Ingest

git clone https://github.com/GRVYDEV/Lightspeed-ingest.git
cd Lightspeed-ingest
cargo build

Lightspeed WebRTC

Using go get

export GO111MODULE=on
go get github.com/GRVYDEV/lightspeed-webrtc

Using git

git clone https://github.com/GRVYDEV/Lightspeed-webrtc.git
cd Lightspeed-webrtc
export GO111MODULE=on
go build

Lightspeed React

git clone https://github.com/GRVYDEV/Lightspeed-react.git
cd Lightspeed-react
npm install


Lightspeed Ingest

cd Lightspeed-ingest
cargo run --release

Lightspeed WebRTC

Using go get

lightspeed-webrtc --addr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Using git

cd Lightspeed-webrtc
go build
./lightspeed-webrtc --addr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Argument Supported Values Notes
--addr A valid IP address This is the local Ip address of your machine. It defaults to localhost but should be set to your local IP. For example This is where the server will listen for UDP packets and where it will host the websocket endpoint for SDP negotiation

Lightspeed React

First you need to configure the websocket url in src/wsUrl.js. If you are using an IP then it will be the public IP of your machine if you have DNS then it will be your hostname.

You can host the static site locally using serve which can be found here

cd Lightspeed-react
npm build
serve -s build -l 80

This will serve the build folder on port 80 of your machine meaning it can be retrevied via a browser by either going to your machines public IP or hostname

Streaming From OBS

By default since we are using the FTL protocol you cannot just use a custom server. You will need to edit your services.json file. It can be found at %AppData%\obs-studio\plugin_config\rtmp-services\services.json on Windows and /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugin_config/rtmp-services/services.json

Paste this into the services array and change the url to either the IP or the hostname of your Project Lightspeed server

    "name": "Project Lightspeed",
    "common": false,
    "servers": [
            "name": "SERVER NAME HERE",
            "url": "your.lightspeed.hostname"
    "recommended": {
        "keyint": 2,
        "output": "ftl_output",
        "max audio bitrate": 160,
        "max video bitrate": 8000,
        "profile": "main",
        "bframes": 0

After restarting OBS you should be able to see your service in the OBS settings pane (Special Thanks to Glimesh for these instructions)


I will be fleshing out the roadmap in the coming days. As of right now I want to get this to a point where it is as close to other live streaming services as possible. If there are any features that you want to see then feel free to suggest them!

See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


I am very from perfect and there are bound to be bugs and things I've overlooked in the installation process. Please, add issues and feel free to reach out if anything is unclear. If this gets enough attention I can make a Discord server where I can more easily interact with people.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Garrett Graves - @grvydev

Project Link: https://github.com/GRVYDEV/Project-Lightspeed
