
Weird fan behavior

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi again.

Could you tell me, whether in your case Noctua NF-F12 5V PWM 120mm fan works correctly?
I have the issue, that after the system start, it spins with constant RPM (<400) and doesn't react to temperature changes.

More details here:

Thank you, Matt.

It'll be cool if you can execute these commands after the fan starts spinning:

# modprobe emc2103
# sensors

The last command requires lm-sensors
# apt install lm-sensors

Matt, I solved my problem with a DIY adapter, so now it works.

But I'm curious, whether it's a common issue (it should be) or just a single case. So please, execute the commands above when you have time.

Thank you.

Previously it was connected directly to the board (as it should be if everything is okay).
Now I'm using a small MCU in the middle (fan's tacho output connected to the MCU), the logic is simple:

  • if the fan spins, but RPM < 500 - emulate 500 RPM signal
  • if the fan's RPM >= 500 - emulate the signal for the actual speed
  • if the fan doesn't spin at all - do nothing (no signal)

According to the emc2103 datasheet (our board uses it as a fan controller), it cannot recognize speed below 500 RPM but during the fan startup, emc2103 spins it with 20% speed (around 300 RPM).

An easy way to increase the CPU temperature
stress-ng --cpu 0 --cpu-method fft