

  1. ošetřit error s tím, že v /design/build/ chybí složka s /img/symbol/icons.svg:

    Error: File not found with singular glob: /Users/ondrejkacmar/Dev/coders-devstack/design/build/img/symbol/icons.svg (if this was purposeful, use allowEmpty option) at Glob. (/Users/ondrejkacmar/Dev/coders-devstack/node_modules/glob-stream/readable.js:84:17)

  2. po dokončení úprav promazat a případně doplnit README

How to run this procjet?

Make sure you are using Node 16 and PHP 7.4.x.

Install symfony CLI - this depending on your system

make sure your symfony cli using php 7.4 by running this command: symfony local:php:list

Run: composer install

Make sure your .env.local file is OK.


  • create tables: php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • load data: php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Run: npm install

Run: symfony serve

Run: gulp code