
C# Portable Class Library for interacting with the Reddit API

Primary LanguageC#


C# Portable Class Library for interacting with the Reddit API


using SnooSharp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Example
	class Program
		static void Main(string[] args)
			//normally not needed just a way to get async stuff working in a simple console app
		static async Task DoStuff()
			var reddit = new SnooSharp.Reddit(new ListingFilter(), new UserState(),
				new DefferalSink(), new CaptchaProvider());

			var listing = await reddit.GetPostsBySubreddit("/r/wpdev");
			foreach (var post in listing.Data.Children)
				if (post.Data is Link)

	//this is where you implement things like filtering out nsfw items
	class ListingFilter : IListingFilter
		public Task<Listing> Filter(Listing listing)
			return Task.FromResult(listing);

	//implement this to pop up a UI and solve the captcha
	class CaptchaProvider : ICaptchaProvider
		public Task<string> GetCaptchaResponse(string captchaIden)
			throw new NotImplementedException();

	//implement this so you can store off requests to be completed later if you have bad internet
	class DefferalSink : IActionDeferralSink
		public void Defer(Dictionary<string, string> arguments, string action)
			throw new NotImplementedException();

		public Tuple<Dictionary<string, string>, string> DequeDeferral()
			throw new NotImplementedException();