
learning how @angular/schematics work

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started With Schematics

This repository is a basic Schematic implementation that serves as a starting point to create and publish Schematics to NPM.


To test locally, install @angular-devkit/schematics globally and use the schematics command line tool. That tool acts the same as the generate command of the Angular CLI, but also has a debug mode.

Check the documentation with

npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

schematics --help

Unit Testing

npm run test will run the unit tests, using Jasmine as a runner and test framework.


To publish, simply do:

npm run build
npm publish

That's it!

Reading Materials



Transform JSON2TS


./node_modules/.bin/json2ts src/sam/schema.json > src/sam/schema.d.ts

Build the project

npm run build

npm link

schematics my-schematics:sam awesome-sir --path dist --dry-run

Publish the project

default .gitignore file which excludes compiled Javascript files and we get nice “module not found” error when we install and try to use collection which was published just with npm publish without any tweaking.

The simplest way to make this work is to remove the rule that ignores generated .js file from .gitignore so that they are published together with Typescript sources.

An elegant solutions with compiling Typescript sources into a dist folder and publishing the dist folder.

After publishing, to use the new schematics. ex: ng g schematics-name -c our-collection-name. Remember that one collection can and probably will contain more than one useful schematic.

Use inside Angular CLI project

npm link my-schematics

ng g my-schematics:sam awesome-sause -c my-schematics --path dist


Schematics apply rules to the tree representing all existing project files and staging area which is a list of changes that will be applied to these files.

  • schematics collection — is a project (npm package) which contains at least one schematic

  • schematic — is a "recipe" which can be executed by using ng generate <schematic-name> to generate and adjust project files

API docs


String methods https://github.com/angular/devkit/blob/master/packages/angular_devkit/core/src/utils/strings.ts

Rules/base https://github.com/angular/devkit/blob/master/packages/angular_devkit/schematics/src/rules/base.ts

Angular CLI ng new APP_NAME

