Prediction of medical diagnosis from genetic assays
Written in Python 2
load_data -Called by org_data. -Takes a CSV file in the current directory, organized with diagnoses and genetic assays as column headers and patients as rows. This is currently written to take a file organized such that all diagnosis columns come first. -assayname(name of the first assay column) is used to separate diagnoses from assays. -Returns indexassaystart1 (index of first assay column).
org_data -Separates genetic data from diagnosis data. -Returns numpy arrays genoCodes (if a test was performed for each patient), genoCodesData (test results as categories), diagCodes (diagnosis codes), and colVals (column headers).
get_diags(diagThreshold) -Selects diagnoses with more than diagThreshold patients. -Includes hard-coded diagnoses for the testing dataset with more than 50 patients, in ascending order (commonDiags). -Creates dictionary diagDict with commonDiags, commonCodes (the ICD10 codes for those diagnoses), diagGroups (diagnoses roughly grouped by type), groupNames, codeColumn (column number of each code relative to original structure). -Returns diagDict, commonCodeInds_sorted (column number of each code, sorted by number of diagnosed patients, ascending).
choose_data(ptThreshold, genoCodes, genoCodesData) -Selects assays that had been performed on more than ptThreshold patients. -Returns categoryData (compressed version of genetic assay data), useTests (list of assay indices used, relative to genoCodesData array).
onehot(categoryData,useTests) -One hot encodes genetic data as testResultData -Generates label names from assay name and result as testResultLabels -Returns testResultData, testResultLabels.
trainml_withfigs -Loops through selected diagnosis codes, runs analysis, and spits out figures. -I may alter to put loop into outside code, and further split up analysis currently within loop.
run_lasso (X_train, Y_train, X_test) -Runs LASSO logistic regression. Would be better to include parameter alteration out here. -Returns Y_preds (predictions)
plot_auc(falsepos, truepos, roc_auc) -Plots the ROC curve.