
Twitch API with Go 🐹

Primary LanguageGo

Twitch API with Go 🐹

Go to my Twitch at MajesticCodingTwitch! This Go site uses templates with the Twitch API.

Image of Gopher Interviwing


🎥 Twitch: Watch my coding Streams Twitch channel.

Run with Kubernetes 📦

kubectl create configmap majesticcodingtwitch-env --from-env-file=.env
kubectl apply -f k8s-go.yaml
kubectl expose deployment majesticcodingtwitch --type=LoadBalancer --name=majesticcodingtwitch --port=8080 --target-port=8080

Run with Docker 🐳

docker compose up

Run with Go 🐹

go mod tidy
go run main.go