
AWS Lambda Layer for kubectl with Amazon EKS

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT No AttributionMIT-0


aws-lambda-layer-kubectl is an AWS Lambda Layer that encapsulates all the required assets to interact with Amazon EKS control plane and help you directly kubectl against Amazon EKS in AWS Lambda. You could just write 2~5 lines of shell script and it takes all the rest for you while your code size could minimize down to 1.5KB only.


  • Ships all the required assests including kubectl, aws CLI and jq. Just include the layer and you get everything required.
  • It takes care of the Amazon EKS authentication behind the scene.
  • Straight kubectl against Amazon EKS without client-go or python client SDK for K8s. Zero code experience required. Just shell script.
  • Invoke your Lambda function with any yaml file from local and it can kubectl apply -f for you to apply it on Amazon EKS.

Current Version

kubectl 1.14.16
awscli 1.16.232
jq 1.6

Layer structure

You got the layer structure as below under /opt in lambda custom runtime:

├── awscli
│   ├── PyYAML-5.1.2-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── aws
│   ├── awscli
│   ├── awscli-1.16.232-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── bin
│   ├── botocore
│   ├── botocore-1.12.222-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── colorama
│   ├── colorama-0.3.9-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── concurrent
│   ├── dateutil
│   ├── docutils
│   ├── docutils-0.15.2-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── easy_install.py
│   ├── easy_install.pyc
│   ├── futures-3.3.0-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── jmespath
│   ├── jmespath-0.9.4-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── jq
│   ├── make
│   ├── pkg_resources
│   ├── pyasn1
│   ├── pyasn1-0.4.7-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── python_dateutil-2.8.0-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── rsa
│   ├── rsa-3.4.2-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── s3transfer
│   ├── s3transfer-0.2.1-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── six-1.12.0-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── six.py
│   ├── six.pyc
│   ├── urllib3
│   ├── urllib3-1.25.3-py2.7.egg-info
│   ├── wheel
│   ├── wheel-0.29.0.dist-info
│   └── yaml
└── kubectl
    └── kubectl

31 directories, 8 files


You may install the Layer from SAR or just build it from scratch.

OPTION #1 - Install from SAR(Serverless App Repository)

This is the recommended approach. We deploy the kubectl lambda layer straight from SAR(Serverless App Repository)

You may deploy from the console or from the command line.

Deploy from SAR console

Region Click and Deploy

Deploy from CLI

$ aws --region REGION_CODE_TO_DEPLOY serverlessrepo create-cloud-formation-template --application-id arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:903779448426:applications/lambda-layer-kubectl --semantic-version 1.14.6

    "Status": "PREPARING", 
    "TemplateId": "89be5908-520b-4911-bde7-71bf73040e47", 
    "CreationTime": "2019-02-20T14:51:56.826Z", 
    "SemanticVersion": "1.14.6", 
    "ExpirationTime": "2019-02-20T20:51:56.826Z", 
    "ApplicationId": "arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:903779448426:applications/lambda-layer-kubectl", 
    "TemplateUrl": "..."

(change REGION_CODE_TO_DEPLOY to the region code to deploy this layer(e.g. ap-northeast-1 or us-west-2. It doesn't have to be us-east-1).

Copy the TemplateUrl value and deploy with cloudformation create-stack

aws --region REGION_CODE_TO_DEPLOY cloudformation create-stack --template-url {TemplateUrl} --stack-name {StackName} --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND \
--parameter ParameterKey=LayerName,ParameterValue=lambda-layer-kubectl

On stack create complete, get the stack outputs as below

$ aws --region REGION_CODE_TO_DEPLOY cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name {StackName} --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs'
        "Description": "ARN for the published Layer version", 
        "ExportName": "LayerVersionArn-{StackName}", 
        "OutputKey": "LayerVersionArn", 
        "OutputValue": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:layer:lambda-layer-kubectl:1"

Now you got your own private Lambda Layer Arn for lambda-layer-kubectl.

OPTION #2 - Build from scratch

  1. check out this repository
$ curl -L -o lambda-layer-kubectl.zip https://github.com/pahud/lambda-layer-kubectl/archive/master.zip
$ unzip lambda-layer-kubectl.zip
$ cd lambda-layer-kubectl-master

or just

$ git clone https://github.com/pahud/lambda-layer-kubectl.git
  1. build the layer.zip bundle
$ make build

(this may take a moment to complete)

  1. edit the Makefile
Name Description required to update
LAYER_DESC Layer Description
INPUT_JSON input json payload file for lambda invocation
S3BUCKET Your S3 bucket to store the intermediate Lambda bundle zip.
Make sure the S3 bucket in the same region with your Lambda function to deploy.
LAMBDA_REGION The region code to deploy your Lambda function
LAMBDA_FUNC_NAME Lambda function name

Required Policy for Lambda IAM Role

Please note your IAM role for Lambda will need eks:DescribeCluster as well as other ec2 read-only privileges depending on what you intend to do in your Lambda function. You may attach an inline policy as below to your Lambda IAM role.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. Build the Layer
$ make sam-layer-package sam-layer-deploy

This will bundle the layer and publish a version for this layer. You should see the return as below:

$ make sam-layer-package sam-layer-deploy
Uploading to 2494b2751b38bc31f3afa88596917ec0  31986657 / 31986657.0  (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file sam-layer-packaged.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /home/samcli/workdir/sam-layer-packaged.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
[OK] Now type 'make sam-layer-deploy' to deploy your Lambda layer with SAM

Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - eks-kubectl-layer-stack
# print the cloudformation stack outputs
aws --region ap-northeast-1 cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "eks-kubectl-layer-stack" --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs'
        "Description": "ARN for the published Layer version", 
        "ExportName": "LayerVersionArn-eks-kubectl-layer-stack", 
        "OutputKey": "LayerVersionArn", 
        "OutputValue": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxxx:layer:layer-eks-kubectl-layer-stack:2"
[OK] Layer version deployed.

OK. Now your layer is ready. Very simple, isn't it?

Please copy the value of OutputValue above.

  1. create the lambda function

prepare the function and populate into ./func.d

$ make func-prep

you got the following files in ./func.d directory

$ tree -L 2 ./func.d/
├── bootstrap
├── libs.sh
└── main.sh

0 directories, 3 files

Let's deploy our lambda func with SAM. Let's say if our EKS cluster name is eksnrt, we'd deploy the function like this:

$ CLUSTER_NAME=eksnrt make sam-package sam-deploy

Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file packaged.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /home/samcli/workdir/packaged.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>

Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - eks-kubectl-stack
# print the cloudformation stack outputs
aws --region ap-northeast-1 cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "eks-kubectl-stack" --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs'
        "Description": "Lambda Func Name", 
        "ExportName": "LambdaFuncName-eks-kubectl-stack", 
        "OutputKey": "LambdaFuncName", 
        "OutputValue": "eks-kubectl"
        "Description": "Lambda Func ARN", 
        "ExportName": "LambdaFuncArn-eks-kubectl-stack", 
        "OutputKey": "LambdaFuncArn", 
        "OutputValue": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxx:function:eks-kubectl"
        "Description": "Lambda Role ARN", 
        "ExportName": "LambdaRoleArn-eks-kubectl-stack", 
        "OutputKey": "LambdaRoleArn", 
        "OutputValue": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:role/LambdaEKSAdminRole"

If you check the lambda function you'll see an environment variable cluster_name=eksnrt is assigned, which will be processed with kubectl in Lambda.

  1. Enable Lambda function to call Amazon EKS master API

Update the aws-auth-cm.yaml described in Amazon EKS User Guide - getting started. Add an extra rolearn section as below to allow your Lambda function map its role as system:masters in RBAC.

Test and Validate

To kubeclt get nodes, kubectl get pods or kubectl apply -f REMOTE_URL just edit main.shas below

# pahud/lambda-layer-kubectl for Amazon EKS

# include the common-used shortcuts
source libs.sh

# with shortcuts(defined in libs.sh)
echo "[INFO] listing the nodes..."

echo "[INFO] listing the pods..."

# or go straight with kubectl
echo "[INFO] listing the nodes..."
kubectl get no

echo "[INFO] listing the pods..."
kubectl get po

# to specify different ns
echo "[INFO] listing the pods..."
kubectl -n kube-system get po

# kubectl apply -f REMOTE_URL
kubectl apply -f http://SOME_REMOTE_URL

# kubectl delete -f REMOTE_URL
kubectl delete -f http://SOME_REMOTE_URL

exit 0

And publish your function again

$ CLUSTER_NAME=eksnrt make func-prep sam-package sam-deploy


$ INPUT_YAML=nginx.yaml make invoke


To pass through the local yaml file to lambda and execute kubectl apply -f

# pahud/lambda-layer-kubectl for Amazon EKS

# include the common-used shortcuts
source libs.sh

data=$(echo $1 | jq -r .data | base64 -d)

echo "$data" | kubectl apply -f - 2>&1

exit 0

Update the function

$ CLUSTER_NAME=eksnrt make func-prep sam-package sam-deploy


$ INPUT_YAML=nginx.yaml make invoke


To specify different cluster_name with the default one in environment variable:

$ CLUSTER_NAME="another_cluster_name" INPUT_YAML=nginx.yaml make invoke

kubectl apply -f REMOTE_URL like this

$ INPUT_YAML_URLS="URL1 URL2 URL3" make invoke


I hope you find it useful and have fun with this project! Issues and PRs are very appreciated.

clean up

clean up the function

$ make sam-destroy

clean up the layer

$ make sam-layer-destroy

You're done!

More Samples

check samples directory

Cross-Accounts Access

In some cases, you may need cross-account access to different Amazon EKS clusters. The idea is to generate different kubeconfig files and feed the lambda function via environment variables. Check this sample for more details.

License Summary

This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.