
A script that creates an archive of all the mysql databases on your server

Primary LanguagePHP


  • Download the repository
  • Update backup_db_config.php with your database information, desired backup location and How many days you would like to keep old backups (default: 7)
  • Either manually run the script or add it to your crontab php /path/to/script/db_backup.php


Originally created by Dagon Design (www.dagondesign.com).

Updated by Matt McManus (matt@ablegray.com, http://mattmcman.us) - Aug 18th, 2010

  • Moved logs to it's own folder
  • Added support for log rotation. Set the CLEANUP_AFTER variable to how many days of backup you want to keep
  • Removed support for emailing backups. Why would anyone do this?
  • Added server hostnames to the log
  • Logs can now be emailed everytime to job is run