
A small script to prep a fresh OSX install for development...hyperfast

Primary LanguageShell


Hypergenesis is a simple bash script to get your Mac up and running as quickly as possible.

It does several helpful setup steps for a fresh OSX install:

  1. Checkout your dotfiles and set them up with rcm
  2. Install homebrew and your usual taps, apps and casks

It's a simple script with strict assumptions (ie: you use rcm, nvm & rvm). I gladly welcome pull requests.


HYPERPREP: Preparing to run hypergenesis

On your existing development machine

brew bundle dump --describe --global
mkrc ~/.Brewfile

Now make sure to commit this file to your dotfiles repo

Make sure to commit and push these changes

Run it from a fresh install

sudo curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattmcmanus/hypergenesis/master/hypergenesis.sh | bash /dev/stdin <your dotfile repo>

# For example

sudo curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattmcmanus/hypergenesis/master/hypergenesis.sh | bash /dev/stdin https://github.com/mattmcmanus/dotfiles.git