
🕴Navigate directories from command line easily. Like autojump but without the learning bit.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


jump is a utility to allow you to quickly jump to known location on your filesystem.


Installing jump is very easy: you just need to clone this very same repo at the latest release and then source the j.sh file in your bash profile. Here's how I do it in my dotfiles (see plugins.sh and plugins.txt).

git clone --branch 1.0.0 git@github.com:mattmezza/jump.git && source jump/j.sh


What follows is the output of j -h, accessible at any time.

    j [OPT] ARGS


    $ j name         # to cd directly into 'name'
    $ j -r name      # to resolve 'name'
    $ j -a name path # to add 'name' as 'path'
    $ j -d name      # to delete 'name'
    $ j -l           # to list all entries
    $ j -h           # to print this message
    $ j -v           # to print the jump version
    $ j -p           # to print the path of the DB file


Developing jump is quite easy. Clone the repo and start editing the j.sh file. You can always source your verions and test it in your shell.