
An operator to install and manage Knative Eventing components.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Knative Eventing Operator

Knative Eventing Operator is a project aiming to deploy and manage Knative Eventing in an automated way.

The following steps will install Knative Eventing and configure it appropriately for your cluster in the knative-eventing namespace. Please make sure the prerequisites are installed first.

  1. Install the operator

    To install from source code, run the command:

    ko apply -f config/

    To install from an existing image, change the value of image into quay.io/openshift-knative/knative-eventing-operator:v0.6.0 or any other valid operator image in the file config/operator.yaml, and run the following command:

    kubectl apply -f config/
  2. Install the Eventing custom resource

cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
 name: knative-eventing
apiVersion: operator.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Eventing
  name: knative-eventing
  namespace: knative-eventing

Please refer to Building the Operator Image to build your own image.

The Eventing Custom Resource

The installation of Knative Eventing is triggered by the creation of a Eventing custom resource (CR) as defined by this CRD. The operator will deploy Knative Eventing in the same namespace containing the Eventing CR, and this CR will trigger the installation, reconfiguration, or removal of the knative eventing resources.

The following are all equivalent:

kubectl get eventings.operator.knative.dev -oyaml
kubectl get eventing -oyaml

To uninstall Knative Eventing, simply delete the Eventing resource.

kubectl delete ke --all

Pass --help for further details on the various subcommands

Building the Operator Image

To build the operator with ko, configure your an environment variable KO_DOCKER_REPO as the docker repository to which developer images should be pushed (e.g. gcr.io/[gcloud-project], docker.io/[username], quay.io/[repo-name], etc).

Install ko with the following command, if it is not available on your machine:

go get -u github.com/google/ko/cmd/ko

Then, build the operator image:

ko publish knative.dev/eventing-operator/cmd/manager -t $VERSION

You need to access the image by the name KO_DOCKER_REPO/manager-[md5]:$VERSION, which you are able to find in the output of the above ko publish command.

The image should match what's in config/operator.yaml and the $VERSION should match version.go and correspond to the contents of config/.