
Prometheus integration with Knative Eventing.

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Knative Eventing Prometheus

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The Knative Eventing Prometheus Event Source enables Knative Eventing integration with the Prometheus Monitoring System.

For complete documentation about Knative Eventing, see the following repos:

If you are interested in contributing, see CONTRIBUTING.md and DEVELOPMENT.md.

Prometheus Event Source for Knative Eventing

Instant and Range Queries

The Prometheus Event Source supports two kinds of PromQL queries - instant and range. The promQL property is the basis of a range query if the step property is specified and an instant query otherwise. An instant query returns a snapshot of the corresponding data stream at the moment when the query executes on the server. A range query specifies a time interval and a resolution step and returns a series of snapshots of the data stream, as many as will fit within the specified time interval. For the range queries the Prometheus Source runs, the start time is the previous time the query ran and the end time is now, with the length of this time interval determined by the schedule property.

For example, the following CR specifies a range query go_memstats_alloc_bytes{instance="demo.robustperception.io:9090",job="prometheus"} to be run every minute with resolution step of 15 seconds:

apiVersion: sources.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PrometheusSource
  name: prometheus-source
  serverURL: http://demo.robustperception.io:9090
  promQL: 'go_memstats_alloc_bytes{instance="demo.robustperception.io:9090",job="prometheus"}'
  schedule: "* * * * *"
  step: 15s
      apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
      kind: Service
      name: event-display

This will produce a CloudEvent every minute, each covering a period of one minute between one minute ago and now, inclusive, and containing 5 samples (15 seconds between samples) of go_memstats_alloc_bytes of the job prometheus on the Prometheus instance demo.robustperception.io:9090.

Using the Prometheus Event Source with an off-cluster Prometheus server

kubectl apply -f demo/sink.yaml
  • Deploy the Prometheus source, configured to communicate with an off-cluster Prometheus server:
kubectl apply -f demo/source.yaml
  • Tail the log of the even-display sink to watch the CloudEvents produced by the Prometheus source. There may be a brief pause while Knative Serving launches the event-display pod.
kubectl logs -f -l serving.knative.dev/service=event-display -c user-container
  • A PrometheusSource CR specifies the URL for the Prometheus server, the PromQL query to run, the crontab-formatted schedule for how often to run the PromQL query and the sink to send CloudEvents to. demo/source.yaml instructs the source to retrieve active alerts every minute:
apiVersion: sources.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PrometheusSource
  name: prometheus-source
  serverURL: http://demo.robustperception.io:9090
  promQL: ALERTS
  schedule: "* * * * *"
      apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
      kind: Service
      name: event-display

Note: demo.robustperception.io is a publicly accessible Prometheus server that is outside of Knative project's control.

Using the Prometheus Event Source with Knative Monitoring

kubectl edit cm -n knative-serving config-observability
  • Deploy an event-display sink for the events produced by the Prometheus source:
kubectl apply -f demo/sink.yaml
  • Create a CR for the source, configured to communicate with the in-cluster Prometheus server deployed as part of Knative Monitoring:
kubectl apply -f demo/source_knative.yaml
  • Tail the log of the even-display sink to watch the CloudEvents produced by the Prometheus source. There may be a brief pause while Knative Serving launches the event-display pod.
kubectl logs -f -l serving.knative.dev/service=event-display -c user-container

The Prometheus server in Knative Monitoring is fronted by the prometheus-system-discovery service in the knative-monitoring namespace, which determines the value of the serverURL property. The PromQL query retrieves the monotonically increasing number of requests that the event-display service has handled so far, making this example feed off its own activity:

apiVersion: sources.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PrometheusSource
  name: prometheus-source
  serverURL: http://prometheus-system-discovery.knative-monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090
  promQL: 'revision_app_request_count{service_name="event-display"}'
  schedule: "* * * * *"
  step: 15s
      apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
      kind: Service
      name: event-display

Using the Prometheus Event Source with OpenShift Monitoring Stack

The following assumes deployment of the Prometheus Source into the default project to run under the default service account.

oc apply -f demo/openshift-service-serving-signer-cabundle.yaml
oc annotate configmap openshift-service-serving-signer-cabundle service.beta.openshift.io/inject-cabundle=true
  • Bind the cluster-monitoring-view ClusterRole to the default service account:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view system:serviceaccount:default:default
  • Deploy an event-display sink for the events produced by the Prometheus source:
oc apply -f demo/sink.yaml
  • Create a CR for the source, configured to communicate with the in-cluster Prometheus server. The authTokenFile field is the conventional location for the service account authentication token. The caCertConfigMap is the name of the Service signer CA ConfigMap.
oc apply -f demo/source_openshift.yaml
  • Tail the log of the even-display sink to watch the CloudEvents produced by the Prometheus source. There may be a brief pause while Knative Serving launches the event-display pod.
oc logs -f -l serving.knative.dev/service=event-display -c user-container

Using Triggers to filter events from the Prometheus Event Source

This example builds from many of the same building blocks as Using the Prometheus Event Source with Knative Monitoring.

kubectl edit cm -n knative-serving config-observability
  • Check that the In-Memory Channel is deployed. There should be the imc-controller and imc-dispatcher pods running in the knative-eventing namespace:
$ kubectl get pods -n knative-eventing
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
imc-controller-7fcd9b75fc-d5nnx       1/1     Running   0          105m
imc-dispatcher-85b9b77759-pcmsr       1/1     Running   0          105m
  • Create the default Broker in the default namespace:
kubectl label namespace default knative-eventing-injection=enabled
  • Check that the default Broker is running:
$ kubectl get brokers
NAME      READY   REASON   URL                                               AGE
default   True             http://default-broker.default.svc.cluster.local   115m
  • Deploy two Prometheus Sources with the default Broker as their sink, two event-display Knative Services that serve as the ultimate destinations for the Prometheus events and two Triggers that subscribe to events from the corresponding sources and forward them to the event-display sinks:
kubectl apply -f demo/broker_trigger.yaml
  • Check the event types now available from the Broker. The type of events generated by the Prometheus Event Source is 'dev.knative.prometheus.promql'. The event sources are named according to the 'namespace/source-name' convention:
[syedriko@localhost prometheus]$ k get eventtypes
NAME                                  TYPE                            SOURCE                    SCHEMA   BROKER    DESCRIPTION   READY   REASON
dev.knative.prometheus.promql-j7ltk   dev.knative.prometheus.promql   default/request-count-2            default                 True
dev.knative.prometheus.promql-t4rc9   dev.knative.prometheus.promql   default/request-count-1            default                 True
  • The Triggers filter the events based on their type and source:
apiVersion: eventing.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Trigger
  name: request-count-1
  broker: default
      type: dev.knative.prometheus.promql
      source: default/request-count-1
      apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
      kind: Service
      name: event-display-1
  • Tail the logs of the even-display sinks to watch the CloudEvents produced by the Prometheus sources and note that event-display-1 only receives events from source request-count-1 and event-display-2 only receives events from source request-count-2:
$ kubectl logs -f -l serving.knative.dev/service=event-display-1 -c user-container
Validation: valid
Context Attributes,
  specversion: 0.3
  type: dev.knative.prometheus.promql
  source: default/request-count-1
$ kubectl logs -f -l serving.knative.dev/service=event-display-2 -c user-container
Validation: valid
Context Attributes,
  specversion: 0.3
  type: dev.knative.prometheus.promql
  source: default/request-count-2

There may be a brief pause while Knative Serving launches the event-display pods.