
A terraform module and Go library for deploying probers to Google Cloud Run

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Run-based custom probers.

This repository contains a terraform module and Go library for deploying probers that perform custom probing logic to Google Cloud. The module packages a custom Go prober as a container image, deploys it to Cloud Run, and then configures an Uptime Check to periodically hit the Cloud Run URL.

Defining a custom prober

With the little Go library provided here, a probe can be defined with as little code as:

import (


func main() {
	prober.Go(context.Background(), prober.Func(func(ctx context.Context) error {
		log.Print("Got a probe!")
		return nil

See our basic example.

Deploying a custom prober

With the terraform module provided here, a probe can be deployed with a little configuration as:

module "prober" {
  source  = "chainguard-dev/prober/google"
  version = "v0.1.2"

  name       = "basic-example"
  project_id = var.project_id

  importpath  = "github.com/chainguard-dev/terraform-google-prober/examples/basic"
  working_dir = path.module

See our basic example.

Passing additional configuration

You can pass additional configuration to your custom probes via environment variables passed to the prober application. These can be specified in the prober module:

  env = {
    "FOO" : "bar"

See our complex example.

Multi-regional probers

By default, the probers run as a single-homed Cloud Run application, which is great for development, and virtually free, but to take advantage of the geographic distribution of GCP Uptime Checks, we need to deploy Cloud Run applications to multiple regions behind a Google Cloud Load Balancer (expensive!) with a TLS-terminated domain.

This can be done by specifying the following additional configuration:

  # Deploy to three regions behind GCLB with a Google-managed
  # TLS certificate under the provided domain.
  locations = [

  # The domain under which we will provision hostnames
  domain   = var.domain

  # The Google Cloud DNS Zone to use for directing prober hostnames to the GCLB
  # IP address.
  dns_zone = google_dns_managed_zone.prober-zone.name

See our complex example.


No requirements.


Name Version
google n/a
ko n/a
random n/a


No modules.


Name Type
google_cloud_run_service.probers resource
google_cloud_run_service_iam_policy.noauths resource
google_compute_backend_service.probers resource
google_compute_global_address.static_ip resource
google_compute_global_forwarding_rule.forwarding_rule resource
google_compute_managed_ssl_certificate.prober_cert resource
google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group.neg resource
google_compute_target_https_proxy.prober resource
google_compute_url_map.probers resource
google_dns_record_set.prober_dns resource
google_monitoring_uptime_check_config.global_uptime_check resource
google_monitoring_uptime_check_config.regional_uptime_check resource
google_service_account.prober resource
ko_image.image resource
random_password.secret resource
google_iam_policy.noauth data source


Name Description Type Default Required
dns_zone The managed DNS zone in which to create prober record sets (required for multiple locations). string "" no
domain The domain of the environment to probe (required for multiple locations). string "" no
env A map of custom environment variables (e.g. key=value) map {} no
importpath The import path that contains the prober application. string n/a yes
locations Where to run the Cloud Run services. list(string)
name Name to prefix to created resources. any n/a yes
project_id The project that will host the prober. string n/a yes
working_dir The working directory that contains the importpath. string n/a yes


Name Description
uptime_check n/a
uptime_check_name n/a