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VSphere Knative Event source

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This repo is under active development to get a Knative compatible Event Source for VSphere events.

To run these examples, you will need ko installed.

Install Source

Install the CRD providing the control / dataplane for the VSphereSource:

ko apply -f config

(Optional) Install a VSphere simulator (vcsim)

If you do not have access to a VSphere environment, you can use vcsim to simulate events. If you have access to VSphere environment, you can skip this step and use that instead. This installs the simulator to the default namespace and exposes it as a k8s service called vcsim.

ko apply -f samples/vcsim.yaml

(Optional) Visualizing events with sockeye

Sockeye is a tool for inspecting CloudEvents. This is an easy way to verify source is configured correctly and producing events.

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/n3wscott/sockeye/releases/download/v0.3.0/release.yaml

Install Secrets for accessing VSphere

Source needs k8s secrets with the Credentials for the VSphere to be able to receive events from it. There's a sample in samples/secret.yaml configured to connect to vcsim, so if you are trying to connect to existing VSphere, you should modify it with your actual credentials.

ko apply -f ./samples/secret.yaml

Install Source

We need to tell the Source where to get the VSphere events from, If you are trying to connect to existing VSphere, you should modify it accordingly in the spec.address field in the samples/vsphere-source.yaml.

ko apply -f ./samples/vsphere-source.yaml

Consume events

In order to consume events, you need to create a Trigger. This example sends events to Knative Service that just dumps them into logs. Note that if you're using the vcsim source, you're going to have to kill the pods to get the events as it only sends a batch of events and will not emit more events.

ko apply -f ./samples/event-display.yaml

You can see the events in the logs:

kubectl logs -l 'serving.knative.dev/service=event-display' -c user-container

Local development notes

Sometimes you might want to develop against a VSphere server that is not accessible from the Internet. So you can run the receive adapter (the data plane for the events) locally like so. For now, you need access to kubernetes cluster remotely (#20).

Store the credentials on the filesystem:

mkdir -p /var/bindings/vsphere
echo -n 'administrator@Vsphere.local' > /var/bindings/vsphere/username
echo -n 'mysuper$ecretPassword' > /var/bindings/vsphere/password

You need to specify a namespace to store state at... #20

export NAMESPACE=default

Then set up the necessary env variables:

export GOVC_URL=<your vsphere url>
export GOVC_INSECURE=true

Then specify where the source should send events to

export K_SINK=http://localhost:8080

Because we need access to kubernetes cluster, you need to uncomment this line cmd/receive_adapter/main.go:23

	// Uncomment if you want to run locally against remote cluster.
	// _ "k8s.io/client-go/plugin/pkg/client/auth/gcp"

And then finally run the receive adapter, pointing to your kubeconfig file

go run ./cmd/receive_adapter/main.go

Local development notes with KIND

These are notes of how to get KIND / Mink running locally.

You have to have Docker running first.

Then install kind:

GO111MODULE="on" go get sigs.k8s.io/kind@v0.7.0 && kind create cluster

Then install mink on it:

kubectl --context kind-kind apply -f /tmp/vminzu.yaml

(OPTIONAL) Then you might need to install image secrets. For GKE you would do it like so:

SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts --format='value(email)' create k8s-gcr-auth-ro)
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create k8s-gcr-auth-ro.json --iam-account=$SA_EMAIL
PROJECT=$(gcloud config list core/project --format='value(core.project)')
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL --role roles/storage.objectViewer
kubectl --context kind-kind -n vmware-sources create secret docker-registry image-secrets   --docker-server=https://gcr.io   --docker-username=_json_key   --docker-email=user@example.com   --docker-password="$(cat k8s-gcr-auth-ro.json)"
kubectl --context kind-kind -n vmware-sources patch serviceaccount controller -p "{\"imagePullSecrets\": [{\"name\": \"image-secrets\"}]}"

Then install the vmspheresource

ko --context kind-kind apply -f ./config

To learn more about Knative, please visit our Knative docs repository.

If you are interested in contributing, see CONTRIBUTING.md and DEVELOPMENT.md.