
This repository contains a basic Python/Selenium WebDriver UI test automation framework that does not depend on a preexisting test framework library (e.g. Pytest). The sample tests use this online calculator application, however you can test any web page by creating page objects/interaction methods in the Pages directory.

This document includes a quick start guide as well as a brief functional description of each framework component.

Quick Start

You must have Python installed to execute test suite. To run the suite on your local machine:

  1. Clone (or download) this repository.

    $ git clone
  2. Change directory into the repository.

    $ cd calculator_test_selenium
  3. Optionally, create and activate a virtual environment.

    $ python -m venv venv

    Activate on Windows:

    $ .\venv\Scripts\activate

    Activate on MacOS/Linux:

    $ source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the required dependencies.

    $ pip -r requirements.txt
  5. Execute the test suite:

    $ python

The console prints individual results as tests finish executing. After all tests have been executed, the console prints a final count of the passed test cases.

Framework Design Documentation

This framework prioritizes modularity and extensibility. It is based on the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern.

├─ pages/
│  ├─
│  ├─
│  ├─
│  └─ [...].py
├─ utils/
│  ├─ output_py
│  ├─
│  └─
└─ [...].py


Each file in the pages directory contains a class representing a web page to be tested. The class contains all of the element locators and interaction methods (WebDriver calls) for that page. The actual test scripts will call these methods to interact with elements on the webpage.

The sample page file contains the CalculatorPage class which represents this online calculator application. It contains methods for loading the url, entering values into the number fields, executing calculations, retrieving the contents of the result field, and reading the error message banner.

As your application/test suite grows, you can add new pages to the directory and define new element locators/interaction methods for existing pages.

Test Suites

Test suite files contain the actual test scripts and are placed in the root directory. Each test suite imports one or more page object classes from the pages directory, then uses the interaction methods from that page to define the test cases. Each test case can be executed multiple times with different browsers and/or parameters (defined at the bottom file).

The sample test suite imports the CalculatorPage page and defines just one test test_calculator_operations. To include a test definition in the actual script execution, add it to the execute_tests block at the bottom of the page along with one or more groups of parameters to run with that test. When you execute, the script runs each test for every group of parameters associated with it.


The utils directory contains the code for the test runner itself, print output, and WebDriver configuration. If your tests require mock data, you can create reusable dependency injection modules in this directory.