[proposal]: live remote update while updating local file
pwang2 opened this issue · 1 comments
The motivation comes from when I have to work on different machines and update my vimrc file, the Gist -l
and save to local file workflow sounds quite cumbersome to me. It would be much smoother if vimrc file can be downloaded from remote gist automatically then sourced when vimrc file is opened.
In current vim-gist, we already have the embed GistID: xxxx for updating. It would be great if we can using the same machanism to offer an option to automatically sync the remote gist file to local when open the file with an embeded GistID
at the end of the file.
I have this poorman's implementation in my vimrc for a while. But I feel it would be great if we could have this in the plugin itself and use a simple configuration to opt in.
function! s:sync_gist()
let b:fpath = expand('%:p')
let b:fname = expand('%:t')
let b:lastline = system('tail -n 1 '. b:fpath))
if b:lastline =~ 'GistID'
let b:gid = substitute(system('tail -n 1 '. b:fpath. " | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' ") ,'\n', '', 'g')
let b:cmd = '%!curl -sSL -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/xxx/'. b:gid. '/raw?t='. strftime('%s'). '"'
call setreg('+', b:cmd)
silent execute(b:cmd)
if trim(getline(line('$'))) == trim(b:lastline)
silent write
if b:fname == 'init.lua' || b:fname == 'init-old.vim'"
execute('source $MYVIMRC')
echoerr("Remote version not expected, reload disk version")
function! s:post_gist()
if getbufinfo('%')[0].changed && getline('$') =~ "GistID"
execute "Gist"
au BufReadPost * call <SID>sync_gist()
au BufWritePre * call <SID>post_gist()
"GistID: xxxxxxxxxxx
switched to gist-paste command line.