- 0
update current buffer with gist
#243 opened by pinggit - 1
Fail to post a new gist
#241 opened by Sanix-Darker - 1
gist_show_privates showing all
#242 opened by kmatt - 14
-ls not working
#183 opened by avegancafe - 0
how to display the gist ID of current buffer?
#240 opened by pinggit - 1
update more than 1 Gist from same file
#219 opened by pinggit - 0
Fetching 1 file from a multi-file gist
#239 opened by tup-olev - 1
- 1
Post failed:
#238 opened by pinggit - 3
Post failed: (nothing, no reason)
#234 opened by mjacobus - 0
Update a local copy don't works at second time
#237 opened by hpsaturn - 16
- 9
Auth via ~/.gist-vim not working
#233 opened by mklopets - 1
Searching for a gist
#232 opened by robbyki - 1
Post failed: Unauthorized
#215 opened by daryl - 4
- 0
incorrect description
#228 opened by mrcat323 - 3
Post failed: Not Found
#225 opened by benwoodward - 2
Cannot open a gist from the list
#224 opened by assadk88 - 25
- 2
can't setup the password
#222 opened by etorth - 1
Gist contains binary
#220 opened by Trulsaa - 1
- 4
url to clipboard not always working
#207 opened by nongiach - 3
- 3
not working
#200 opened by xavierartot - 0
Git Config
#214 opened by chrisputnam9 - 1
[Post failed: Unauthorized] when posting anonymously
#213 opened by josefson - 0
- 1
How can I download all my gists?
#211 opened by GopherJ - 0
can't invoke browser
#210 opened by pinggit - 2
Post failed: Couldn't connect to host
#208 opened by pinggit - 3
Feature Request: Gist -u (update)
#204 opened by amadeus - 15
- 48
- 3
Feature request: async support
#202 opened by chemzqm - 0
- 3
:Gist -a still asks for github account
#194 opened by Miesco - 1
plugin doesn't create a ~/.gist-vim file
#201 opened by alok - 0
Fix message
#197 opened by CodisRedding - 4
old variable option gist_use_password_in_gitconfig
#195 opened by kazuminn - 2
- 5
:Gist should copy posted URL to "+, not ""
#187 opened by lilyball - 3
"Done: $url" message not appearing after posting
#188 opened by lilyball - 6
Gist should set the filetype on uploaded gists
#185 opened by lilyball - 1
Possible bug: editing multi-file gists
#182 opened by mfiano - 11
filename or description
#177 opened by WitzHsiao - 4
- 1
Repeatedly create gists from same buffer
#180 opened by sagarjauhari - 5
Opening Gist unnecessarily closes split buffer
#179 opened by Kazark