
Reproducible tmux arrangements

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Reproducible tmux arrangements


$ cabal install
$ cabal run [args...]


Tux ensures that you can instantly spin up and organize all of your common shell processes. Importantly, it adds a layer of indirection between the processes you are working with and the full set of those which are running. Tux is centered around a workspace into which your current processes are linked. When you run tux it spins up only those processes which are not yet running and then populates your workspace with the ones you need.


Tux configures tmux sessions based on a tree of .tux.yml files, with the root node being either in the current directory or in the path provided as argument to tux.

A tux node points to other nodes through its children property. Additionally, a tux node takes a name, a rootPath and commands, but its rootPath and children are optional. A tux command is an object with a command property and optionally a path property.

A node's rootPath is the path relative to which all commands are run. This path is itself relative to the node file; child references are too.

Below is an example tux node.

name: server
rootPath: ..
  - command: serve 8080
  - command: echo 'Running server'
    path: ../../
children: [./nested]