
Node.js SDK for the SnowShoe Stamp API

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Node.js SDK for the SnowShoe Stamp


The source is available for download from GitHub. Alternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager (npm):

npm install snowshoestamp


SnowShoeStamp = require 'snowshoestamp'

auth = new SnowShoeStamp('APIKEY', 'APISECRET')

# express 4 requires explicit wiring up of bodyParser components
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
app.use bodyParser.urlencoded

# snowshoe api callback
app.all '/snowshoecallback', (req, res) ->
	auth.validateStamp req.body, (response) ->
		# do something

app.get '/stampscreen', (req, res) ->
	# redirect to stamp screen
	auth.stampScreen(req, res)

Add Query Parameters to your stamp screen request

# snowshoe stamp screen request
queryParams =
	userID : '123',
	other: "abc"

app.get '/stampscreen' , (req, res) ->

The resulting request would look like the following


This is helpful when you would like to pass parameters to your application from the stamp screen.



This command needs to be ran first if CoffeeScript is not installed on your system

  • run sudo npm install -g coffee-script


Install all of the dependencies

  • run npm install

The following command will watch and compile Coffeescript

  • run cake dev