License: MIT

Seedling Survival Model

Research project code for seedling survival analyses using Stan.


The required data files for this project are available for download at ScienceDB (

Reproduce the Results

The workflow and code (in R and Stan) for this analysis are managed with the targets R package, which can be found here: ropensci/targets. Analyses can be conducted either locally or within an container (Docker and Apptainer).

For instructions on using the containerized environment, refer to the Reproducible R Project Template.

Apptainer Container Setup

Create an Apptainer container with the following command, which includes R, Quarto, and cmdstan:

sudo apptainer build radian.sif radian.def

Running the Code

Before starting the analysis, run ./ to create a .Renviron file. This helps to manage package caching efficiently.

To initiate the analysis, use the ./ script:

# For the first run, to install R packages
# Rscript -e "renv::restore()"

> ./
1) tar_make() on local (or inside Docker)
2) tar_make() on Apptainer
3) Enter the Apptainer container
4) Enter the Singularity container on HPC
Enter number:

Use tar_make() for single-threaded execution and tar_make_clustermq() for multi-threaded, parallel processing.

Please update the following: Computational Intensity Warning: Due to the computationally intensive nature of some analyses, you may need to execute only a subset of the targets pipeline, especially when system memory (RAM) is a limiting factor. Some slurm scripts for High-Performance Computing (HPC) are also available under slurm.

Docker Usage for Less Intensive Analysis: For parts of the analysis that are less computationally demanding, Docker can be utilized, as explained in the Reproducible R Project Template.


  • Apptainer (or Singularity)
  • Docker
  • A Linux-based OS