
A prolog interpreter written in Haskell.

Primary LanguageHaskell

Prolog Interpreter


This interpreter is a fork of https://github.com/mfourne/prolog, which itself is a fork of https://github.com/Erdwolf/prolog.


I’ve added a very primitive REPL. To use this, create a Prolog file somewhere, run stack repl, and then type main.

It will ask you what file to load, and after that you can type in queries.

Sample run

First create a file with the following content. (It is included in this repo as examples/syllogism.pl

mortal(X) :- human(X).

Running it will look something like this:

$ stack repl

 .... lots of warning messages ....

Ok, 11 modules loaded.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /tmp/haskell-stack-ghci/b88c5e3b/ghci-script
*Unifier Database Interpreter IsString Language.Prolog Language.Prolog.IsString Language.Prolog.Quote Parser Prolog Quote Syntax Unifier> main
Prolog Interpreter.
What file has the database? examples/syllogism.pl
> mortal(Who)

To get a token for CS 421, poke at the program a bit and then fill out the following form, giving thoughtful feedback. https://forms.gle/igS2n7vcMFdfKSjAA