
Web Based Mobile Applications

Web Based Mobile Applications course

Front-end development materials & code examples


  1. Project description
  2. Week 1 - Toolchain
  3. Week 1 - First app
  4. Week 1 - Postman
  5. Week 1 - AJAX, State
  6. Week 2 - AJAX, Navigation
  7. Week 2 - Navigation & login
  8. Week 2 - Login and registration with forms
  9. Week 3 - Profile page & Component libraries
  10. Week 3 - Conditional rendering and form validation
  11. Week 4 - File upload
  12. Week 5 - Media player

Course content is inside docs folder.

Useful online materials & tutorials


ES6 + React

Course pre-tasks (Study at least 1-4 and 6)

  1. http://javascript.info/
    • Study at least these sections:
      • Code quality
      • Objects: the basics
      • Data types
      • Advanced working with functions
      • Objects, classes, inheritance
      • Introduction into Events
      • Promises, async/await
      • +everything else you want to recap or want to know more about
  2. React concepts
  3. What is React
  4. Learn React in five minutes
  5. If five minutes is not enough
  6. React Native crash course
  7. Online book: React.js Training
  8. Full stack open
