This application is based on GTK+ and relies on the custom kernel driver
As I bought my Tascam audio interface I was surprised, that the manufacturer do not support linux. After some investigation of USB traffic with wireshark, I could determine the needs of an alsa based mixer quirk. The mentioned kernel driver is the result.
Because this device contains about 280 control elements, working with traditional mixer applications like alsammixer or gnome-alsamixer was no option.
So I started to develop my own mixer application to get comfortable access to the DSP effects the device has build in.
Another option is to use the LV2 plugin ( I have developed, that give me control to the EQ and compressor from any LV2 capable DAW software (in my case Ardour). Please keep in mind, this LV2 plugin do not operate on the stream ports, it's intention is to control hardware effects of the Tascam interface via USB.