
A collection of MagicaVoxel palettes.

Magica Voxel Palettes

The included palettes were designed for use with MagicaVoxel v.97. They are based on a 256 x 1 single row PNG, with the data starting at the right side of the image.

Atari 2600 Palette

The Atari 2600 palette is based on the "Stella" NTSC color palette.

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Comic Book Palettes

The CMYK "comic book" palettes are based on the following item: Comics Color

![Alt text](/Examples/ComicBook CYMK Values -Rotated.jpg?raw=true "Comic book CMYK values in a traditional layout.")

![Alt text](/Examples/ComicBook ColorPlates.jpg?raw=true "Comic book CMYK using a color plate layout.")

Hue based pattern by Valaadus

The default MagicaVoxel palette reorganized into something my eyes can see. :)

Originally found on Reddit. Saving it here so it doesn't get lost. https://www.reddit.com/r/TroveCreations/comments/2iqj6t/more_userfriendly_palette_for_magicavoxel/

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Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Palette

Based on the NES's limited palette.

![Alt text](/Examples/NES Palette.png?raw=true "NES palette.")