A simple tool to allow easy bug report capturing within your app.
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#92 opened by renovate - 1
build fails with Kotlin dsl
#80 opened by vivek-grokking - 2
- 4
SecurityException: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified
#82 opened by dpreussler - 14
Attempt to cast generated internal exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList
#41 opened by pranaypatel512 - 2
- 2
ScreenshotMode.NONE and progress border?
#81 opened by jeffhashfield - 7
- 1
- 0
- 5
- 3
- 6
Native Screen Video Capture
#14 opened by JakeWharton - 2
Camera preview screenshot
#18 opened by UngureanEugen - 0
Update gif in README
#65 opened by NightlyNexus - 2
- 2
Resource acquired was not closed
#42 opened by AlecKazakova - 1
- 7
Google Maps in a screenshot
#21 opened by tasomaniac - 2
Capturing dialogs
#44 opened by amatkivskiy - 0
- 5
Support minSdkVersion="8"
#19 opened - 9
Native Screenshot Capture
#13 opened by JakeWharton - 2
Make it easier to use telescope
#25 opened by reisub - 4
Devices with only 2 fingers support
#20 opened by tasomaniac - 1
Handle OOM errors when capturing screenshot
#17 opened by mattprecious