
Repository for Alert Triggered Packet Capture Sample

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Deploy an Azure Function using an ARM template

The AlertPacketCapture branch contains a working version of the deployment template, tailored for a real version of a function that processes Azure Monitor Alerts and triggers a subsequent packet capture on the resource that fired the alert.

Deploy to Azure


The steps to fully implement the Azure Network Watcher Alert Packet Capture Connector are:

  • Gather the settings below - the function requires a service principle to authenticate to Azure Resource Manager.
  • Click the "Deploy to Azure" button below.
  • Authenticate to the Azure Portal (if necessary)
  • Fill in the form with the setting values
  • Wait a few minutes for the function to be created and deployed
  • Configure Alerts on the appropriate VM resource and provide the URL of the the function. Example http://samplefunction/api/AlertPacketCapture


  • AppName - this is the name of the function app. In the Azure Portal, this is the name that will appear in the list of resources.
    Example: MyNSGApp
  • appServicePlanTier - "Free", "Shared", "Basic", "Standard", "Premium", "PremiumV2"
    Example: Standard
  • appServicePlanName - depends on tier, for full details see "Choose your pricing tier" in the portal on an App service plan "Scale up" applet.
    Example: For standard tier, "S1", "S2", "S3" are options for plan name
  • appServicePlanCapacity - how many instances do you want to set for the upper limit?
    Example: For standard tier, S2, set a value from 1 to 10
  • githubRepoURL - this is the URL of the repo that contains the function app source. You would put your fork's address here.
    Example: https://github.com/microsoft/AzureNetworkWatcherNSGFlowLogsConnector
  • githubRepoBranch - this is the name of the branch containing the code you want to deploy.
    Example: master
  • PacketCaptureStorageAccount - this is the name of the storage account where packet captures will be saved Example: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storageAccountName}
  • ClientId - this is the clientId of the Service Principle used to authenticate to Azure Resource Manager Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • ClientKey - this is the client key associated with the service princple Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • TenantId - this is the Azure Active Directory TenantId Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000