- 0
- 0
proofValue is not in MULTIBASE format.
#233 opened by ellellie - 0
Request to update dependencies.
#232 opened by sukeshpabolu - 0
Cannot run sample
#226 opened by thusithathilina - 1
- 2
When using "urn:uuid:<uuidV4>" for the property in a VC deriveProof behaves in odd ways
#110 opened by kdenhartog - 8
Invalid Frame on verification of a BBS signature
#122 opened by vongohren - 10
Sample fails with a strange error, atleast to me
#114 opened by vongohren - 0
SNYK vulnerabilities for v1.1.2
#221 opened by sanjay-del - 3
- 4
- 2
SNYK vulnerabilities for V1.1.0
#202 opened by yuejun92 - 5
RuntimeError: unreachable in JEST
#144 opened by OR13 - 1
Migrate proofValue definition to multi-base format
#103 opened by tplooker - 3
Usage within React Native apps
#188 opened by Yorik0512 - 1
Update dependencies that are bringing in old versions of sodium-native which aren't compatible with latest node versions on Mac
#166 opened by kdenhartog - 3
- 15
TypeError: suite.ensureSuiteContext is not a function
#142 opened by OR13 - 0
Getting node-pre-gyp Error when npm install
#201 opened by yuejun92 - 4
Security vulnerability
#199 opened by yuejun92 - 0
Disclose only one element of an `@type` object array?
#193 opened by uvdsl - 2
- 1
Wrong context in proof
#186 opened by zoemaas - 0
#181 opened by johnwen84 - 0
Use latest jsonld and jsonld-signatures
#180 opened by johnwen84 - 0
React Native / Expo support
#177 opened by gmanavarro - 2
deriveProof prints out @graph property
#175 opened by picardcapt1212 - 5
- 2
Sample "leaking" correlatable identifiers?
#169 opened by about-code - 18
- 1
Question: How to generate a composite proof
#143 opened by smithbk - 4
- 14
Not able to match suites using JSON ld signatures
#139 opened by vongohren - 2
TypeError: suite.ensureSuiteContext is not a function
#140 opened by smithbk - 2
Various warnings when bundling with CRA
#109 opened by OR13 - 8
TypeError: abort is not a function at $379
#102 opened by OR13 - 5
- 0
- 6
bundle with src?
#121 opened by brianorwhatever - 3
- 4
- 10
- 7
- 0
- 8
- 2
Sample VC document uses conflicting contexts
#105 opened by tmarkovski - 1
- 4
Nesting and frames support
#91 opened by OR13 - 2
unexpected type
#90 opened by OR13 - 2
Invalid VC JSON-LD documents in sample
#84 opened by kdimak