This repo demostrates how to use Wiremock within WebdriverIO test suites
You have a downstream dependency that's introducing instablity to your tests.
The server you are connecting to is slooooowwwww and is killing your execution time.
You generally want to keep you tests deterministic.
Before your tests are executed the expected response is posted to the Wiremock service. See how it's done here
You'll need to inspect the requests that you're application is making and record their response codes, headers & response bodies within your test projects. Do so using any number of method (Chrome tools|Charles Proxy|...)
NB. The AUT should be configured such that it will make requests to the mock service (on localhost here, but could be hosted on an external server/container). In this project both requests through to the service and mocked requests are demostrated & tested, in reality the AUT should only be making requests to Wiremock!
start selenium server:
npm run selenium
start wiremock standalone:
npm run wiremock
start application:
npm run server
run tests:
npm test