
Bulk convert files to .mobi using kindlegen

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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Bulk convert files to .mobi using kindlegen

  1. Build exe for the console application.
  2. Download kindlegen from amazon at https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000765211
  3. Drop the kindlegen.exe file into the console application's directory
  4. Run KindlegenBulkConverter.exe with arguments


KindlegenBulkConverter supports wildcards and complete file paths. It will also convert any book formats supported by kindlegen (see their documentation)


KindlegenBulkConverter.exe c:/path/book.epub
KindlegenBulkConverter.exe c:/path/book.epub c:/path/book2.epub
KindlegenBulkConverter.exe "c:/path with spaces/book.epub"
KindlegenBulkConverter.exe "c:/path with spaces/*.epub"
KindlegenBulkConverter.exe c:/path/*.epub
KindlegenBulkConverter.exe c:/path/*.epub c:/path/*.html
KindlegenBulkConverter.exe c:/path/book1.epub c:/path/*.pdf