
Messing around with FFmpeg in Rust 🦀

Primary LanguageRust

FFmpeg with Rust

Building FFmpeg for Windows

If you'd like the skip this step, I have a version pre-compiled for VS2019 available here.

  1. Install msys2
    • Optional: Update msys2_shell.cmd to include the settings for native symlinks and inheriting PATH. Both are in the file already, but commented out by default:
      • set MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict
      • set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
  2. Launch a session with VS2019 Command Prompt settings
    • To start msys2 under Windows Terminal, use the following command: C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -no-start -mingw64
    • You can generate a shell script with the appropriate env variables with envdiff cargo install --git=https://gitlab.com/antekone/envdiff.git
      • Launch envdiff under a clean cmd session
      • Launch envdiff again under VS2019 command prompt and the output will be your shell script
  3. mv /usr/bin/link.exe /usr/bin/link.exe.bak
  4. Update packages: pacman -Syu
  5. Install FFmpeg dependencies: pacman -S make diffutils yasm nasm
  6. Extract FFmpeg source to a working directory
  7. Configure: ./configure --target-os=win64 --arch=x86_64 --enable-x86asm --toolchain=msvc --enable-shared
  8. Build and Install: make && make install