Public collection of Ruby scripts that I have been personally building up throughout the years to call external data sources and export data I am interested in evaluating further and/or preserve.
To use:
- Pour some coffee into your favorite mug, take a few sips
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Change to project root directory:
cd data_grabber
- Bundle dependencies:
- Copy configuration file:
cp .env.example .env
- Fill out configuration file (
) as required per script (each script may have its own specific entries)
This script will attempt to create a JSON export based on the inputted channel ID. This script should be able to export any public channel and its public data and is not designed to grab private channels and/or private data for public channels.
YOUTUBE_API_KEY | Get developer API Key in Google's developer console. |
The general CLI specification is:
exe/youtube/public/channel CHANNEL_ID <JSON_FILE_DESTINATION>
- Output to shell:
exe/youtube/public/channel abc123zyx
- Output to file:
exe/youtube/public/channel abc123zyx tmp/channel_export.json
This is very much in the state of a personal-use project and will be missing key structures, most notably:
- Extraction of code into Ruby classes
- Tests
- Proper options parsing
- Long-running process feedback via shell
Any and all contributions are welcome.
bin/bundler-audit check --update
Everyone interacting in this codebase, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
This project is MIT Licensed.