
Demo program for the "evolvable" Ruby gem

Primary LanguageRuby

Simple Evolvable String Demo

Built with Evolvable

Command Line Setup & Usage

git clone https://github.com/mattruzicka/evolve_string.git
cd evolve_string
bundle install
ruby evolve_string.rb "Hello Evolvable"

Example Output

Aenl,QzE,e1ulve | Generation 1
HeSlDlze,f1uw9e | Generation 2
HeSlwlzE,e1uw9e | Generation 3
HeSlDlzD,f1ub9e | Generation 4
HeSlDl;D,f1ub9e | Generation 5
HeSlDlzD,f1ub9e | Generation 6
HeSlDlzD,21)b9e | Generation 7
HeSlDdzDo21)b9e | Generation 8
HeSlDdzRo21)b9e | Generation 9
HeSlDhzDo21)b9e | Generation 10
HeSlDdzDo21wbBe | Generation 11
HeslDdzqo21wbMe | Generation 12
HeslD zDo21wbMe | Generation 13
HeslD zDo21wbMe | Generation 14
Heslo zDo21wbMe | Generation 15
Hello zDo21wbMe | Generation 16
Hello zDo21ab.e | Generation 17
Hello zGol1ab.e | Generation 18
Hello zool1ab.e | Generation 19
Hello z'ol1abwe | Generation 20
Hello z'ol1abwe | Generation 21
Hello z'ol1abNe | Generation 22
Hello z'ol1abee | Generation 23
Hello t-olaabNe | Generation 24
Hello t'ol1ab"e | Generation 25
Hello t-ol1able | Generation 26
Hello Y-ol1able | Generation 27
Hello g-olXable | Generation 28
Hello t-olXable | Generation 29
Hello t-olXable | Generation 30
Hello t-olXable | Generation 31
Hello t-olXable | Generation 32
Hello t-olvable | Generation 33
Hello E-olvable | Generation 34
Hello Exolvable | Generation 35
Hello Evolvable | Generation 36

Hear It

The second argument can be an integer which tells the program to "say" the best instance every given number of generations. The default is 0.

An an example, run this:

ruby evolve_string.rb "Thank you for listening" 20

Note, the "say" feature assumes your system has a text-to-speech command named "say" installed.